
This committee focuses on the relationship between the Donlin Gold project and subsistence activities within the Kuskokwim River drainage. This committee will hold its first meeting in 2022, after members are recruited through an application process.

The Subsistence Community Advisory Committee Will:

  1. Receive and distribute information on Donlin Gold’s plans, operations and monitoring activities.
  2. Communicate information of local subsistence activities and traditional knowledge as it relates to information shared by Donlin.
  3. Provide a forum for stakeholders to discuss potential issues of concern related to Donlin Gold’s plans, operations or monitoring activities on subsistence activities, wildlife or habitat.
  4. Make recommendations to DATROC related to subsistence and assist DATROC into developing and periodically updating a subsistence plan for lands and waters affected by the Project.
Committee Charter

Committee Membership: Designated Seats

Membership of this committee consists of the following designated seats. Each member serves a three-year term, with terms staggered by seat.

Subsistence Advisory Committees (Seats E – F): You must be a current member of the federal or state advisory committees listed for these seats.

Meeting Schedule

This committee will meet twice per year, in the spring and fall, during periods that do not conflict with important subsistence activities. The first meeting is tentatively scheduled for fall 2022. If it is not safe or feasible to meet in person, the committee may hold meetings remotely or by phone until in-person meetings can be resumed.

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How Do I Apply for a Committee Seat?

To apply, fill out the application at the link below or download and complete a copy of the application and return via mail or email to Colleen Laraux, P.O. Box 509, Bethel, AK  99559,
Apply Online
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Questions? Contact Us!

Interested in applying for a committee seat? Questions about community advisory committees, the Project, or any other topic? Contact Colleen Laraux, Community Relations & DATROC Coordinator:
907-543-0745 Phone
907-244-6750 Mobile
907-543-0779 Fax
Donlin Gold LLC
P.O. Box 2987
Bethel, AK  99559

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